
Scenery Design Elements

Lighting Design
























Production Information

Title/ Author: Rock 'N' Roll Revival 2024
Production Date: March, 2024
Theatre: Northfield Schools Concert Hall
Director: Ray Coudret
Scenery Design: Brian Bjorklund
Costume Design: Tania Larson Legvold
Asst. Costume Design: Nancy Johnson
Lighting Design: Brian Bjorklund
Sound Design & Production/ Lighting Production: Roger Fette/ Fette Productions
Set Construction: Lead Set Builder- Brent Kivell
Video/ Media Design: Cam McMillan
Auditorium Technician: Liam Fisher
Student Lighting Crew: Control Board Op- Malcom Westlund, Followspot Ops- Nick Brophy & Askala VanVoorst
Production Program: HERE

View Production Images

View selected production images HERE
photo credits: Mariah O'Donnell and Brian Bjorklund

Technical Drawings

Click on the drawings below to open PDF versions or Vectorworks versions of the production drawings.

Download the Mac or Windows version of Vectorworks Viewer 2022.
Find the software in your downloads folder. Double-click to install.
The Vectorworks Viewer is a free resource from Vectorworks, Inc. that allows you to open Vectorworks drawings when you don’t have a copy of the Vectorworks software. Users can launch the Vectorworks Viewer to easily view and print Vectorworks drawings. In addition, they can use 2D and 3D tools to pan, zoom, measure, and change views, and they can simulate movement over, around, and through models.

  •  Floorplan
     PDF version
     Vectorworks version

   Elevation Drawings& Detail Drawings
      Back Wall Elevation Dwg (PDF)
     Back Wall Elevation Dwg (Vectorworks)
      Stage Right & Left Walls Elevation Dwg (PDF)
     Stage Right & Left Walls Elevation Dwg (Vectorworks)
     Platform Facing Walls (PDF)
     Platform Facing Walls (Vectorworks)
      Platform RailingsDetail Dwg (PDF)
     Platform RailingsDetail Dwg (Vectorworks)
     Platforms Back-up Singers Dwg (PDF)
     Platforms Back-up Singers Dwg (Vectorworks)

Painters Elevations

     All documents are in PDF format. Paint Color numbers and names are Pittsburgh Paints unless noted otherwise and were sourced at the local Menards store. USE FLAT SHEEN for all paint.
     Back Wall- Painters Elevation
     Stage Right & Left Walls- Painters Elevations
     Platform Facing Panels- Painters Elevations
     Platform Facing- Decorative Panels- Painters Elevations
     Platforms- Backup Singers & Drum Riser Paint Details

Section Drawing

     Northfield Schools Auditorium (Middle School) (PDF)
     Northfield Schools Auditorium (Middle School) (Vectorworks)

Printable Scale Rulers Quarter & Eighth scale (PDF) HERE